My half-moon doubletail beta has been living in a 10 gallon community tank with some fish which are supposedly able to cohabitate well with bettas yet my fish's tail has been getting pretty beat up! Idk what to do!
I have:
1x Green/Bronze Cory Cat
1x Skunk Cory Cat
1x Albino Cory Cat
1x Male Halfmoon Double-Tail Betta
5x Neon Tetra
2x Assassin Snail
Pls help ASAP, I have him in a ziploc right now but I hope to get him back to the community soon!

I have:
1x Green/Bronze Cory Cat
1x Skunk Cory Cat
1x Albino Cory Cat
1x Male Halfmoon Double-Tail Betta
5x Neon Tetra
2x Assassin Snail
Pls help ASAP, I have him in a ziploc right now but I hope to get him back to the community soon!