Best Way To Get Rid Of White Spot


Jan 8, 2012
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need help getting rid of white spot my clown loach have it and don't know the best way to get rid of it thank you for any help
I have used a great product a few weeks ago, Esha Exit, its safe for sensitive fish & snails, I used it with dwarf chain loach in the tank and shrimps, it cleared it in 4 days, I have never used anything like it. It attacks the spots on the fish and the free swimming stage clearing the infestation really fast.
Hope this helps
I used meds and it killed about 20 fish over night.(including clown loach)
I've used the salt and raising temp treatment and it worked without any problems
Just confirming the stuff (Esha Exit) is epic (in my experience).
And no need to change water because the stuff is biodegradable.

baker360360 said:
I used meds and it killed about 20 fish over night.(including clown loach)
I've used the salt and raising temp treatment and it worked without any problems
Eek, out of interest, what exact product caused that?
misterpro said:
Just confirming the stuff (Esha Exit) is epic (in my experience).
And no need to change water because the stuff is biodegradable. :fish:

I used meds and it killed about 20 fish over night.(including clown loach)
I've used the salt and raising temp treatment and it worked without any problems
Eek, out of interest, what exact product caused that?
Interpret, anti whit spot.

Had all the glass cats, clown loach, black ghost knife fish and others all die over the night of dosing.
You might have to dose halve for scaleless fish !! To my believe with Exit exactly the same. Worked very well for me (years ago), though I do believe it only can kill the parasite in the free swimming fase. You could also higher the temp to make it's lifecycle faster.
Hi there, about 3 weeks ago, my Betta had also gotten ick :( Luckily though, when I first got my tank the guy gave me a free bottle of this ick medication. I was a little sceptical at first but then I tried it and the ick was gone in less than two days with one dose , also did not hurt any other of my fish. The medication was called quick cure by Aquarium products (r) . Worked really well for me, good lick :)
thanks guy's I have put the temp up and will go and get some esha exit from my lfs :)
star4 said:
I have used a great product a few weeks ago, Esha Exit, its safe for sensitive fish & snails, I used it with dwarf chain loach in the tank and shrimps, it cleared it in 4 days, I have never used anything like it. It attacks the spots on the fish and the free swimming stage clearing the infestation really fast.
Hope this helps
Little Correction. In the Exit manual indeed is mentioned that it attacks the spots itself. In my earlier post I doubted that (still do hahahaha), but Star4 was right about that. There isn't anything mentioned about scaleless fisg BTW, but I am sure I read it somewhere.
Notices Esha uses different manuals in different countries. In Belgium it's sold as a kind of tonic ??????????????? Strange.
Cheers Aad

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