Best Shoaling Fish For Hard, Alkaline Water?

The December FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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What sized tank?

To be fair, go to your LFS and ask if their systems are RO (soft) water or not, if they arent, then the tetras should be fine.

Go to your LFS with pen and paper or use your phone and make a note of all the fish you like and come back here (no fish in hand!) and we can give you more info on the fish you like :)

Is it for the tanks in your signature? Because if so, i wouldnt advise adding more species! Get a few more black neons, guppies and if space allows, another rummynose or two.

Your fish will be far happier that way and will display happier and more natural shoaling behaviour.
Depending upon the size of the tank, fish like...

Odessa Barbs (found in sub-tropical Myanmar rivers with a pH as alakaline as pH 11 in the wild!)
Many livebearers
Blind Cave Tetra
Rainbowfish (Lake Katubu; Red; Forkatil Blue Eyes come immediately to mind, a lot of Rainbows prefer/need hard alkaline water, but there is the odd species that does better or even needs slightly acidic water)
Cyprichromis spp. from Lake Tanganyika
African characins (Congo Tetra etc.) are pretty adaptable to water chemistry
Synodontis nigriventris (although the midwater schooling is rarely seen unless you set up a night vision camera to record in the pitch black, found in African waters upto pH 8.4)
Many danio-type fish are pretty adaptable too
Sawbwa Barbs

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