Best Schooling To Mix With Bettas


Jul 4, 2013
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currently im sselling some of my fish and tanks and hope to get a 55 gallon to finish of my tank collection. Now one of my bettas rex has been in my 55 gall community after his tank got cracked.Now he hasent paid attention to any glowlights or even my honey but to get to the point Betta to new 55 gallon tank and schooling fish that wont nip him and wont seem as a threat to him. Sorry for the long post here.
I have black neons in with my plakat.

If he is a good betta, I think if the shoal is big enough that they won't feel threatened, in general all should be ok?

What type of betta is it?

I picked my black neons as they had a pink veil tail swimming in the tank with them, they were in a shoal f about 60, I purchased 6 of them for my larger tank with betta.
well hes a veiltail and my plan for the stock of the tank with him is
1 betta
20 schooling fish
8 cories
1 pleco
Black neons seem cool i will have to check them out.
I have just added some ottocinculus with my HM male. Whereas they might not be classed as classic schooling fish they do like to move around in a large shoal like corys. This male doesnt like fast moving fish, so a shoal of ottos is a good choice for me.
Regular neons work just as well if you want something more colourful.
Pretty much any small, non nippy shoaling fish will work provided your betta isn't overly aggressive. In a 55 gallon, you will probably have more success than most because the fish will have room to swim away.
What Pleco are you thinking of getting?
Rasboras are always a good bet. They are a good size and not nippy at all. I don't recommend micro rasboras however as they may get eaten. Something like espei, Harlequin or hengeli rasboras would work really well. My personal preference are for espei rasboras, sometimes called lambchop or copper rasboras. They are brilliant schoolers and have stunning red colors once settled in.
I agree, Harley/ other other rasboras are your best bet. :) Plus they're from the same continent. Win win. ;)
ok great that should look really then about 20 of them hopefully.
They will look fantastic in a group that size and will give some nice activity to your tank :)

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