I keep having issues with heaters that are a mile away from the temp i have set.
what are the best and most reliable heaters.
i did but a fluval box heater with LEd that flashed when temp was hight/low but this was also out and showed 2-3 C below cottect temp.
(put 2 themos in tank to check.
this heater then blew and over heated the tank beyond themo range and killed half my fish.
iam in need of a heater for a 120L & 210 L tank.
got no spares at mo.
I keep having issues with heaters that are a mile away from the temp i have set.
what are the best and most reliable heaters.
i did but a fluval box heater with LEd that flashed when temp was hight/low but this was also out and showed 2-3 C below cottect temp.
(put 2 themos in tank to check.
this heater then blew and over heated the tank beyond themo range and killed half my fish.
iam in need of a heater for a 120L & 210 L tank.
got no spares at mo.