Best Heaters - Ie Set Temp And Get What U Ask For


Jul 1, 2008
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I keep having issues with heaters that are a mile away from the temp i have set.
what are the best and most reliable heaters.
i did but a fluval box heater with LEd that flashed when temp was hight/low but this was also out and showed 2-3 C below cottect temp.
(put 2 themos in tank to check.
this heater then blew and over heated the tank beyond themo range and killed half my fish.
iam in need of a heater for a 120L & 210 L tank.
got no spares at mo.
Are you looking for an internal or inline heater?
Eheim is a trusted brand and you can find their internal heaters for good prices online.  For the 120L, you would need 100W or 125W.
Hydor ETH makes a good inline heater as well if you are running canister filters.
Over the years I have found all brands will crap out. I an not saying if you buy 10 heaters of any brand and run them that all 10 will break down. What I am saying is that, over time, most of them will. Some brands will do so faster than others. I have a few heaters running for over 10 years and a box full of others that crapped out much sooner. But no one brand has been failure free. I do have two Hydor inlines hooked to canisters both running fine after 10+ years. (I think the older one is more like 12 years.) But I do not consider a two heater test to be that representative.
I have thrown out about 12 heaters in the past year and have at least that many in my "wonky heater box" which means they may or may not still work OK but were problemsome enough for me to switch them out. Imo, heaters are one of the least reliable pieces of equipment out there. And trust me i have tried Ebos pre and post Eheim taking them over, Hydors (in tank variety), Marineland Stealths, Hagen Elites, Aqueons, Cobalt, Finnex, and a few more I forget. On the other hand, I have many filters still running fine after 12 - 13 years.
gee its not as if they are cheap.
thought someone would invent a more reliable one or at least a smaller one.
so basically its pot luck.

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