Beginner Starter Plants


Mostly New Member
Jun 20, 2014
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hi, i am thinking of gradually replacing my silk plants with live ones.
i intend to tie them to pieces of bogwood.
can anyone suggest some easy care plant species please?
2 of each for foreground, mid ground and background would be nice.
i would like the background ones to be nice and tall, 30cm or more.
they must be easy care plants with no requirement for co2 systems.
tips on how to look after them would be welcome too.
they are going in a 60cm 90l tank, (fluval roma 90, fresh water, 26c).
Hi. For your bogwood three commonly used plants are anubias (annubias? Bertoli, nana) java fern and java moss. An amazon sword makes a nice focal point, as does some vallis, long slender leaves, it self propagates throwing off "runners" from which new plants form. An easy plant for the background, tho often regarded as a cold water plant, is elodea densa or crisps. Caring for the latter is easy enough, simply cut it back to below a "split" when it reches the surface, or when you think its too long. Strip off the bottom leaves and replant the cutting. Vallis is best left to its own devices, but new plants can be clipped off and moved. Swords require dead or dying leaves removing. The abubias grow very slowly so not much to do with them. If the moss or fern really takes off you may find yourself thinning it out. Good luck.
Above should have said elodea crispa, sorry about the typo error

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