Beginner Planter!


New Member
Feb 26, 2013
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Recently I purchased the 30 gallon marineland half moon tank set up. Before I begin setting up the tank I was just wondering how it works... I understand that you need a substrate but beyond that am lost in what to do.... In the tank I was planning to add dwarf Gourami's or dwarf cichlids (new world). Hopefully someone will have the patience to go over the basics for me!
Okay basics,
1. Tank
2. Substrate
3. Water
4. Lights
5. Plants(aquatic)
6. Ferts
7. co2
8.Prunning/planting tools

1. Okay you've got the tank.
2. Substrate, many ways to go. Soil or kitty litter base. Sand. Laterite sand. Gravel.
For a first effort sand or gravel should be fine, depending on preference and stocking.
3. Dechlorinated water.
4. Lights. Most tank lights will grow plants, buts thats about all, better bulbs or fixtures can be purchased. Some plants need more light than others.
5. Plants. Make sure they are aquatic. Good beginner plants include anubius, anacharis, bacopa, hornwort, java fern, amazon sword. I
hear crypts are easy. Many plants will melt,(die back of existing emersed leaves), but continue to grow with new leaves.
As many plants are grown emersed as they grow faster a the nursuries.
6. Ferts. Not an absolute. I use Flourish for my swords.
7. co2. Also not an absolute. And someone else will have to talk you through that.
8. Prunning/ planting tools. Sharp scicors for prunning and long tweezers help planting stem plants in groups.

Not nearly all the info, but a start.

Oh and welcome to the world of having a wet thumb.

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