baloon mollies


Fish Fanatic
Sep 16, 2003
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i got 3 baloon mollies,1 betta and a pinkish brown cat fish to day

2 of the baloons are silver but the other is a magnificent dalmation.
I mean her every black spot is individual and about the same size
How should i know she is pregnant she is a little fatter and was in an
aquarium with more males than females :blink: (i fixed that problem
with the clerk)
I dont wont her to have her babies in the community aquarium i wont
to save every fry but how should i know when to move her.
My new male betta lives perfectly well with my guppies yay
p.s can you tell me what kind of fish is my catfish
:rolleyes: Wow im glab your betta is fine... Im not sure about catfish sorry.
Think about when you first noticed that she was getting fat. Then look at your calendar, and from about that time, add thirty days... That should give you some idea ok.

I know how you feel about predicting when its going to be, as its difficult to tell with mollies.. :no:

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