New Member
I have attached a pic of my balloon molly fry. They are 2 weeks old. I have 20 and have been lucky not to have lost any, I managed to catch them in the main tank and move them to a small breeding tank at the top. I have been feeding them first bites. There is one that seems deformed, he eats fine and bounces around the bottom, occasionally swimming to the top. Do you think he will survive, it doesn't look like he is growing a proper tail?
I have attached a pic of my balloon molly fry. They are 2 weeks old. I have 20 and have been lucky not to have lost any, I managed to catch them in the main tank and move them to a small breeding tank at the top. I have been feeding them first bites. There is one that seems deformed, he eats fine and bounces around the bottom, occasionally swimming to the top. Do you think he will survive, it doesn't look like he is growing a proper tail?