I set up my 29 gallon aquarium 1 week ago. Today was my first reading of nitrates at 5.0ppm. I am also at 0 nitrites and even after my second 5 gallon water change today the ammonia is still at .5 ppm (which is what it read before and after the first water change of the day as well as the second).
I have been doing about 8 gallon water changes once a day and have had continious reading of:
Ammonia- .25
Trite- 0
Trate- 0 (until today)
I used a gallon or so water from a long established tank and the biomedia in my filter was put into the established tank one day before it was pit into mine.
I was wondering about how far long in the cycle i am? About how much longer til the cycle completes at this rate? I know to just keep testinf but i am impatient! Lol. So i would just like tge ball park guess i suppose.
Also, is it ok to lea e ammonia at .25-.5? Or keep it at only .25 or at 0? Please let me know.
I have 7 platies and none have died and are behaving and eating im good spirits.
I have been doing about 8 gallon water changes once a day and have had continious reading of:
Ammonia- .25
Trite- 0
Trate- 0 (until today)
I used a gallon or so water from a long established tank and the biomedia in my filter was put into the established tank one day before it was pit into mine.
I was wondering about how far long in the cycle i am? About how much longer til the cycle completes at this rate? I know to just keep testinf but i am impatient! Lol. So i would just like tge ball park guess i suppose.
Also, is it ok to lea e ammonia at .25-.5? Or keep it at only .25 or at 0? Please let me know.
I have 7 platies and none have died and are behaving and eating im good spirits.