Bala Sharks Not Eating


Fish Fanatic
Oct 25, 2012
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I give flakes in my tank for my fish and the sharks don't eat them as they are always at the bottom of the tank. So, I got pellets that sink. I drop the pellets right next to the sharks and they'll only eat 1 or two of the pellets, sometimes none at all. The pellets just sink and decay on the gravel. I feel like the sharks aren't seeing the pellets. What should I do? Also, the sharks are about 6 inches long each if that helps
I give flakes in my tank for my fish and the sharks don't eat them as they are always at the bottom of the tank. So, I got pellets that sink. I drop the pellets right next to the sharks and they'll only eat 1 or two of the pellets, sometimes none at all. The pellets just sink and decay on the gravel. I feel like the sharks aren't seeing the pellets. What should I do? Also, the sharks are about 6 inches long each if that helps

Do you have 2 bala sharks in the 55gallon? If so? That's your problem? :p
Arnt you supposed to keep 1 shark because they might fight when they grow. (im not certain if this emplies to bala sharks
Really? My LFS told me I can even put another one in.
Bala sharks really need a group of 6 to stay healthy they also need a good 120 gallon tank. If there unhappy they like to "fin rip" other fishes. They grow to huge fishes and are mostly "sold" at LFS saying that it's fine.
Dont take my advise seriously im not certain but the fish i saw that shouldnt stay a couple is ruby sharks and red tail shark
Dont take my advise seriously im not certain but the fish i saw that shouldnt stay a couple is ruby sharks and red tail shark

Yep, Red tail sharks prefer being a loner but balas sharks prefer to school.
Zain, Bala sharks should be kept in shoals of 6 or more and grow to huge sizes. Red tail sharks are a different species and should not be kept with others of their kinds as they are often aggressive to fish that are similar to them

adpgt, as Techen has said, they will very quickly out grow your tank. I would either look to upgrading to a very large tank in the near future or rehome them to someone with an appropriate tank, unfortunately In the mean time, to make sure they are eating, have you tried changing to a different food? I have fussy fish and it has taken me a few different goes to find a food that they like and will happily eat. Just in case as well, are all your stats at the correct levels, no fish showing any strange symptoms, etc.?
Your Glofish and Black Widows need to be keeped 5 or 6 each.

I did not see you also have 3 White Skirted so you need 3 more black or White Skirted Tetra. 5 more Glofish and I hope your 3 spotted Gouramis are not fighting since they are aggressive.
Need to remember that
also not to be off topic here but can i keep ruby/ red tail sharks with community fish?

For the topic is there a way you can upgrade your tank or move your sharks?
Can I add more glofish and tetras to my tank? Or would I be overstocked?
Pet store owners will say anything to make you buy from them, never ever take their advice, if you have a question come online and well answer it honestly :)
Even 120 gallons is not big enough for Bala sharks. They get to around 12-14 inches, they are very active and fast swimmers that don't even get up to speed until they have swam 2 feet or more, they need to be in groups of at least 6 but preferably 10. This means you would need something like a 12ft x 3ft x 3ft tank to house them properly

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