Fish Crazy
About 6 weeks ago, I noticed Bailey was looking a little pale in places. I figured that because he was getting old, this was some kind of axolotl equivalent of liver spots. Then I thought it might be a side effect of an illness but upon further inspection, there was nothing wrong with him and his tank mates weren't looking pale at all. Last week, I spent ages researching it and finally figured out what it was! He's a harlequin! I've only read about these like they were some kind of urban legend but I actually have one! He's a little unusual in that most harlequin axolotls get to about 3 or 4 years old and then change colour but Bailey is coming up for 10 years old soon! It's like he just decided one day that he was bored of being brown and wanted to be white instead
Here's some photos of the little guy for you to enjoy...
The day I brought him home
He was so tiny
About 2 months ago...
2 weeks ago
And here he is today!
These creatures never fail to amaze me

The day I brought him home

He was so tiny

About 2 months ago...

2 weeks ago

And here he is today!

These creatures never fail to amaze me