I am in dire need of help. I have had a 39 gallon fresh water aquarium set up for 2 years. My tank has been thriving, no fish loss, steady ph , 0 ammonia, 0 nitrates 20pp nitrates. No problems. I had 3 angelfish, 3 glass catfish, 2 tetras, 2 platy, 1 rainbow shark and a couple of live plants. I have had the angels since they were babies and are now very large adults. The others have also been in my tank for over a year. I added another baby angel and a glass catfish recently. The angel died within a week. When I went back to petco they tested my water and said my ph was low and nitrites high. My ph has always been lower than most recommend but after reading several forums and books I found a steady ph was more important than being 7. It was 6.4. Well, the guy there said i needed to raise it or I would continue to lose fish. He said to add 2 bags of crushed coral. Unfortunately, against my better judgement I did. Now 1 of my angels has died, another looks as though it is not doing well, a tetra and a barb have all died. I tested my water and the nitrite was high, ph now 7.6 ( he told me it would SLOWLY raise my ph , not true). I took out as much of the coral as I could , did a 30% water change. Can anyone give me ideas on how to save the remainder of my fish, more specifically my angels? I am devastated over the loss of one, after raising it from a baby we were all attached.