Bacterial And Fungal Infections


New Member
Jul 19, 2016
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I have recently cycled a 30 gal aquarium for a fanct goldfish and a black moor I had in a 10 gal. While they were in the smaller aquarium the goldfish began getting red streaks in her tail. From everything i  have read it is either from nitrate levels or bacterial infection. So I did frequent water changes assuming it was the water quality and hoped when I moved them she would do better. About a week later I got a new goldfish, added her to be sure everything in the tank was okay, then added the previous fish. I realize how ridiculous this is now...Anyway the black moor acted strange from the begining, all while the goldfish seemed very happy. They are all always very happy to eat and very active when I am near the tank. But after about 4 days I noticed small white splotches on the moor. I thought maybe the others were nipping him, and I knew it was not ick because I have had experices with that headache. Now the white has spread and is cotton like. I had hree molly recently die that also had this problem.
He is becoming more lethargic but is still happy to eat! The goldfish with the red streaks still has red streaks and now had a red spot on her tail as well, also has them on her swimming fins (?) They dart and swim strangley but the goldfish does not do it as often as the moor and she has no white spots at all. The moor is also rubbing the corners from time to time. I assume the moor has fugus and possibly internal bacterial infection and the goldfish only infection...I would also like to note that the goldfish has changed colors recently. She was silver and gold and now shes washed out looking silver and orgish with weird gold spots. She is fat though and LOVES food. But not over fed. I would also like tp add that I am using under gravel filters with 30 lbs of gravel with nothing but a few live plants. I bought rainbow slate rock but am terrified to add them because I do not want to harm the fish! Woul that help anything to add hiding places? So I have read all sorts of great things about Medigold. I cannot find medigold any where! I can find medikoi but I do not know if I can use that on aquarium fish or only pond fish?! I also don't know if they are the same quality. I just want to save my fish and let them finally enjoy their new home I have waited so long for them to be in. If anyone has any advice I would greatly appreciate it and my fish would too! There just isn't enough information about fish online!

P.S. I started treating them with lifeguard today...
Red streaks in fins could be hemorrhagic septicemia. This is very contagious though as well as pretty fatal. You may try googling it to see if this is what your one fish has. The washing out of the colors is a sign of stress as well. Do you know your water quality and parameters? (pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrates, kh, gh?) Can you get pictures as well? Also, you may try posting this on the emergency board. it may bring up more responses but be sure to read the sticky post on what info is needed so people can help faster!
I believe that may be the problem. I googled and the red spots look like the ones that appeared today... :( I will re post this on the emergency board and thank you for the response!

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