Back Into Hobby After Extended Holiday

Electric Warrior

Apr 29, 2012
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Hello to all. My first post here, and I apologise if it's a bit of a long winded one. I had a couple of tanks when I was younger, going into my teenage years, and have been thinking about starting up again for a while. I have decided to take the plunge and enter the world of freshwater fish keeping again, and I have always wanted to attempt a biotope setup. The one I am going to do is the Southeast Asian river biotope, so first I will give a rough sketch of what I am planning (this is pretty much the final plan, but of course could be subject to small changes over the next few months:

Tank: Juwel Rio 180 - Not too familiar with Juwel tanks, but found one for a decent price, and it's the right size for my place and the environment that I am trying to recreate.

Substrate: either a laterite or some red Flourite with a thin layer of sand spread over the top. Scattered over this would be some pebbles and small rocks with some larger pieces of bogwood/driftwood, and a bit more scattered sand. This will slope a bit from back to front with a bit of height along the back and corners to resemble a bit of a "bank." A cave of some sort, possibly if I can't find the exact pieces of wood to get the exact labyrinth effect that I am thinking of in my mind.

Plants: undecided but was thinking about some onion plants and Vallisneria along the front of the tank (because plants in this area usually grow in the centre of the river), but they are still "stringy" enough to get a great view through the tank, and maybe some hairgrass, and Crypts (eventually) around the back along the bank. Maybe some bamboo plant? I have read a lot of conflicting info about when to plant the plants? Some people seem to say after cycling has finished completely, others say it's fine to do it near the end of the cycle, and I have even seen some people say that you can do it whenever you want? The Crypts I won't be planting until the tank has been up and running for a bit.

Lighting: Not too sure yet, but maybe some low lighting with additional CO2, but this is still a bit up in the air until I decide exactly what plants...

Heating: Now this Juwel tank comes with the Juwel 200W heater, but I was wondering if this would be sufficient enough, or whether it would be better to get two 100W heaters to attach to opposite sides of the tank to distribute a more even temp.? I am only really familiar with the submersible heater elements.

Filtration: Now this I am still unsure about? The tank comes with an internal Juwel Bioflow 3.0. I have never had a tank with an internal filter. I lived in the States before, and the external HOB types of filters were much more popular there when I was keeping fish, and I am not familiar with these types of intern filters. Anyone have experience with these and how are they? I was thinking about using a second filter since I don't think that you can have too much filtration, but I am worried about making the water too turbulent? How string are these internal filters? Could I possibly use a HOB external filter in combination with the internal one, maybe with a spray bar? Would like opinions on this as this environment is basically like a very slow moving river with hardly any current.

The Fish: Well, really 100% undecided, but thinking about a combination of a shoal of some type of barb, a shoal of scissor tails, red tail sharks, maybe a few glass cats, and possibly a pair of Loaches (I love Clowns, but I feel that 180L will be too small for them, so not sure about what type of Loach yet). Anyone have any opinions/ideas about my thoughts on the stock?

Like I said this is still in the planning stage, and I probably won't be getting the tank for another month or so, and then it's cycling...
i look forward to knowing how you get on, so keep us posted! i also am in the process of creating a SE asian biotope although i only have 64 litre tank to work with, im sure your end result will be 100x better than mine :D lol what about yoyo loach or dwarf chain loach theyre quite nice little characters :)

at the minute i have a shoal of espei rasbora and a betta, but in the future i want a shoal of harlequin heteromorpha and like you some kind of loach :D
Hi guys! Yes, Pete.... Big T Rex fan of course. So anyways, nobody else has any recommendations for this tank setup? I am still wondering quite a bit about the filtration that comes in the Juwel tank, and if it will be okay for the bioload that I am thinking of having in there, and also about the heating? The reason I was wondering about having two 100W heaters rather than 1 200W is mainly because I think that there shouldn't be much of a current or water turbulence in the tank, and since is the tank is longer, if it makes sense to do it this way for a more even water temp.? I have also heard that some people think that two is better than one in a larger tank in case one fails for whatever reason? Any other info on fish or plants is welcome, especially from other that have done this same biotope setup before! Thanks!
Hi guys! Yes, Pete.... Big T Rex fan of course. So anyways, nobody else has any recommendations for this tank setup? I am still wondering quite a bit about the filtration that comes in the Juwel tank, and if it will be okay for the bioload that I am thinking of having in there, and also about the heating? The reason I was wondering about having two 100W heaters rather than 1 200W is mainly because I think that there shouldn't be much of a current or water turbulence in the tank, and since is the tank is longer, if it makes sense to do it this way for a more even water temp.? I have also heard that some people think that two is better than one in a larger tank in case one fails for whatever reason? Any other info on fish or plants is welcome, especially from other that have done this same biotope setup before! Thanks!

Me to, "Electric Warrior" and "The Slider" were the first two LPs I ever bought way back in the day :rolleyes:

Still... best stay on topic, you seem to have done your research on this and have fishkeeping experience so all I can say really is give it a go and keep us posted, I'm a bit old school myself and the only advice I can really give is...Keep em' hungry and do regular partial water changes.

Bang a Gong :D
i look forward to knowing how you get on, so keep us posted! i also am in the process of creating a SE asian biotope although i only have 64 litre tank to work with, im sure your end result will be 100x better than mine :D lol what about yoyo loach or dwarf chain loach theyre quite nice little characters :)

at the minute i have a shoal of espei rasbora and a betta, but in the future i want a shoal of harlequin heteromorpha and like you some kind of loach :D

A 180l tank would be to small for yoyo loaches to be happy becuase you need at least 6 of them, I would advise looking into zebra loaches or Khuli loaches.
There are lots of members who will I know will suggest Khuli and they are great fish with a small bio load so you can get quite a few of them say 8+ :) looking forward to seeing what you are going to with the tank
Botia Kubotai are a fantastic Loach. I used to have a small group a few years back. Very active and full of character on top of their beautiful pattern and colour. Plus have a max size of 15cm but most fully grown stay around 10cm making them more than suitable for a 180.

Burmese Border Loach

I find myself repeating myself today concerning juwel internals. LOL.

I have the rio 180. I don't think much of the turnover on the internal. Its rated as 600 litres/hour which will be reduced once the media goes in. Then again maybe thats fine for your needs. The tank looks soo much better with that big black box out. I have the tetra ex1200. I found it a bit powerfull with the spray bar but have since removed so it comes out the L bend. The flow is less intense. Some people use it fine with the spray bar. The only thing is it dosen't fit in the cabinet :angry: .

The heater is fine with it. I think one watt/litre is recommended but there is logic in using two heaters but then you need two sockets.

The tank comes with T5 lighting which is on the high side but I don't dose any ferts or carbon and my plants grow fine, though they are low maintanence.

I think thats all.
Internals are ok, i use two internal filters in my tank (which by the way am creating the same as you SE Asian). The cabinet which the tank sits on wont allow me to have an external with me taking the saw to it.

I have went for a group of Botia Histrionica with shed loads of vallisneria and a few crypts for the heavy planted look.

I might go for a group of barbs, maybe Odessa or Red Ruby. I was tempted by a gourami or Betta Imbellis but the flow is very slightly too much for them.

I think i'm aiming for more of a South Thai/Burma theme myself with the fish choice. I wanted the vietnam theme but the fish i had in mind need a much bigger setup. (VC fish that run around with AK 47s and RPGS :/)
Lol, sorry I hadn't logged back in for quite a while after posting this! Last month was super busy for me and went away on holiday, and just no time for anything. Still planning on this setup, and just got the tank, but ended up with a second hand Fluval Roma 200 instead! Came with a Enheim Ecco Pro 200, which I am pretty sure isn't going to be enough. Any filter ideas? I plan on starting cycling sometime in the next week or so, hopefully.
Lol, sorry I hadn't logged back in for quite a while after posting this! Last month was super busy for me and went away on holiday, and just no time for anything. Still planning on this setup, and just got the tank, but ended up with a second hand Fluval Roma 200 instead! Came with a Enheim Ecco Pro 200, which I am pretty sure isn't going to be enough. Any filter ideas? I plan on starting cycling sometime in the next week or so, hopefully.

Do you have room in your cabinet beneath for an external filter? I would say that for a tank that size then the manufacturer may have given you the choice to do so. Look for a filter that will turn-over 4 times your full tank volume every 60 minutes. I have a Fluval and will probably be a fan of them for years, others sweat by Eheim, there are a few good models around.
Best of luck with it, your ideas for scaping it sound immense!

Lol, sorry I hadn't logged back in for quite a while after posting this! Last month was super busy for me and went away on holiday, and just no time for anything. Still planning on this setup, and just got the tank, but ended up with a second hand Fluval Roma 200 instead! Came with a Enheim Ecco Pro 200, which I am pretty sure isn't going to be enough. Any filter ideas? I plan on starting cycling sometime in the next week or so, hopefully.

Do you have room in your cabinet beneath for an external filter? I would say that for a tank that size then the manufacturer may have given you the choice to do so. Look for a filter that will turn-over 4 times your full tank volume every 60 minutes. I have a Fluval and will probably be a fan of them for years, others sweat by Eheim, there are a few good models around.
Best of luck with it, your ideas for scaping it sound immense!


Hi. Yes there is room in the cabinet for an external (which is what I got with this tank). The filter is the one that the previous owner had purchased separately to run on this tank, because the Roma comes with an internal, which most people seem to remove. The Eheim Ecco Pro seems like a very good filter, but the 200 is for tanks up to 200L, so I am thinking that this won't be enough really?
See what it can turn-over in 60 minutes. Try it with the media in it and without. Depending on what stock you then decide on will give you a better understanding of the filtration you will require. Hopefully though, someone on here may have personal advice on this filter, of which i don't, sorry.


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