Back Belt Cichlid?


Fish Crazy
May 14, 2008
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has anyone had success keeping one with other fish.

ive currently got a 9" female.
i put her in and she started chasing all the fish so i took her out put her in a 2ft tank for temp.

and moved and put different things in so it will be the other fishes terratory.

i have in the tank.

2 oscars.
1 firemouth.
1 jade eye.
5 baby labs. < i no they might get eaten but too much hassle getting them out too small.
1 18" sailfin pleco.
2 severums

can anyone suggest anything?
You want to be in new worlds with this.

Black Belts often end up as wet pets so its not unusual. To be fair as well most of your fish are too squishy to stand upto a black belt. The Oscars might be okay and the Severums have a slight chance but depends on individuals. But the FM and Jade Eye are not the right kind of fish to mix at all, the plec might be okay as it could be ignored.

Black Belts need to be kept with other big cichlids, like other Viejas, I have seen them mixed well with Texas, Bocourti, Green Terrors and Midas - some times even Jags are a good mix. They are one of the more aggressive Viejas you would have been better off trying something like a Regani or Synspillum (if you can find a true strain) as they are more of a detritavour and insecatvour than a piscivour like these at the upper end of the scale.

There is a chance she will calm down but hard to really say as it will be cutting a fine line.


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