Back After A Break


Fish Herder
Tank of the Month 🏆
Oct 28, 2014
Reaction score
Carnoustie, Scotland
It's been quite a few years since circumstances meant me giving up my tanks. Previously i kept mainly African cichlids but I recently decided to start again with the intention of keeping apisto's. I ended up buying a 4ft tank and now have a nice planted community tank. The apistos didn't quite go to plan. The two trios I got (Agassizii and Cacatouides) didn't see eye to eye and when the Agassizii females both produced eggs chaos reigned. I managed to borrow a friends spare 3ft tank and put the aggies in there where I hope they will spawn again soon. Peace now reigns in the community and things look hopeful on the cockatoo front. My wife couldn't believe I need another tank so soon but I'm sure you guys will understand.
I'm from Carnoustie on the East coast of Scotland. Anyone in the area wants to talk fish feel free to get in touch.


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Nice tank set up, like the background.
Look forward to hearing more :)
Thanks for the welcomes. I don't know Neale Monks but he sounds like a nice guy. Hope your enjoying it as much as I am 2nd time round Biffor
Munroco said:
Thanks for the welcomes. I don't know Neale Monks but he sounds like a nice guy. Hope your enjoying it as much as I am 2nd time round Biffor
neale monks was a guy who knew everything about brackish species, puffers and community aquariums i never chatted with him but i saw him on some of the past posts
Munroco said:
I don't know Neale Monks but he sounds like a nice guy.
Neale Monks is one of the most respected writers and knowledgeable fish keeper, he is not around this forum much anymore but he has written some excellent articles on various aspects of fish keeping, for example these articles -
Of course he has written many more articles, just gives you an idea of what he can write about ;)

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