Baby Tiger Oscar

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New Member
Jul 29, 2012
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New Jersey
ok so ive got a 29gal setup. been runnin for a few weeks. i picked up a small 2" jack dempsy and a small tiger oscar maybe a quarter inch bigger. put them in last night after i tested the water and all my levels were solid. ive left the ligths off so they cann acclimate better. the dempsy is eating fine but the oscar is just laying in the plants or laying against the wall on the bottem. i have heard this is common but havent heard too much as to why. is this any big concern, is it life or death or do i just need to relax cause hes just acclimating?
Oscars are prone to sulking in a new environment. Your tank is super tiny, though, I'd up to a 6 foot tank if you plan on keeping both of them together :/
this is just to start them, i do have a 6 foot 125 gallon tank for them when their bigger. he has been in the tank for just under 24 hours and only seems to do it when the light gets turned on. im assuming hes still just acclimating? he seems to have normal behavior when the light is off
If you want him to get used to the light just leave it on for a while(like a day or as long as it takes), and soon he should come up off the bottom of the tank. Also over time he should just get use to it.

That has been the case for my fish I have had a lot of oscars.
Oscars are prone to temper tantrums when ever their way of life is disturbed (change in environment, water changes, etc.) Once he gets used to the tank, he will perk up.
Dieses Madchen we agree on this don't we?
Dieses Madchen we agree on this don't we?

Skal said:
Lol you should see your self !

You need to tone down your attitude mister.

We are deciated our free time to helping beginners like you avoid money wasting, unnessesarily cruel, and wrong fishkeeping practices, and this is how you return the favor?


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