Fish Fanatic
Hello all,
Recently, I brought home a rescued baby bearded dragon to add to my menagerie. Anyone who's owned a beardie knows what coincides... crickets. Lots and lots of crickets. Babies of this age can gobble up 50 small crickets a DAY! With all these crickets sitting around in the house, I got to thinking...
Could I feed my fish these baby crickets?
I get my crickets from a reputable breeder and are gut loaded before feeding, so the risk of harmful parasites is very low. They aren't super tiny, but smaller than the diameter of a penny in length.
My goldfish would have no problem devouring the crickets, although I'm not sure if they would be able to digest it properly. My betta's would certainly enjoy tearing it apart and the crayfish would clean up the scraps, but I don't know if they could eat the legs, antennae, etc.
They eat bugs in the wild, right? So they should be able for eat crickets as an occasional treat?
Would I need to prepare the crickets in any way? Dead or alive?
What do you think?
Recently, I brought home a rescued baby bearded dragon to add to my menagerie. Anyone who's owned a beardie knows what coincides... crickets. Lots and lots of crickets. Babies of this age can gobble up 50 small crickets a DAY! With all these crickets sitting around in the house, I got to thinking...
Could I feed my fish these baby crickets?
I get my crickets from a reputable breeder and are gut loaded before feeding, so the risk of harmful parasites is very low. They aren't super tiny, but smaller than the diameter of a penny in length.
My goldfish would have no problem devouring the crickets, although I'm not sure if they would be able to digest it properly. My betta's would certainly enjoy tearing it apart and the crayfish would clean up the scraps, but I don't know if they could eat the legs, antennae, etc.
They eat bugs in the wild, right? So they should be able for eat crickets as an occasional treat?
Would I need to prepare the crickets in any way? Dead or alive?
What do you think?