Baby BN Plecos?

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I count at least 15 plecos now. What am I going to do with all these little devils?
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Hopefully your LFS will take them if not try online sales platforms that are available in America that allow the sales of pets.
There are now 20 plus BN pleco fries in my 29 gallon tank.
I decided to rehome the 2 adult matched pair plecos. My family owned LFS gladly took them and I'm sure they'll eventually find a good permanent home for them. They also said they would take my fry once they grow to about an inch and a half size....probably in a few months. So problem solved Whew!
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These fry are growing fast
The Pleco Invasion
Today they’re taking over my tank
Tomorrow they may take over the world
Well, I caught 37 Pleco Fry and took them to my family owned Fish Strore. While I was there I bought 6 Cherry Shrimp and 3 Amano Shrimp for my 5 gallon tank.

To catch the Pleco fry, , I used a 1/4 liter hour glass shaped vase and put an algae wafer inside. I tied a long string to the vase for removal. I laid the vase in horizontal position on the substrate and 15 minutes later I caught 15 Plecos. I released them into a small bowl. I repeated this 4 more times and caught a total of 37 Plecos. I still have at least 10 more Pleco Fry in the tank.

Here is a pic of the vase I used. Actually it may be a a very old milk bottle

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hehehe yeah once they start surviving they just keep growing and growing and you soon get overwhelmed with them very quickly. I think that other piece of drift wood I gave them was a bad idea. Very good hiding spot for the young. LOL

You will find a cave somewhere in your tank with the eggs the male cleans the cave and when the female is happy she lays the eggs, the male then chases her away and he fertilizes and looks after them until they are able to look out for themselves. I have recently removed the cave they were constantly using, i think that has slowed them down some (I hope), I was struggling to control the numbers and wife has said no to a second aquarium although she did allow me to upgrade from 180litre to 252litres recently :). Normally eggs every 6 weeks +/- and normally my fry do not survive as my angelfish love hunting them but recently the Bristlenose babies are out smarting the angels so their numbers are getting too much :(.

I know many people don't like Bristlenose pleco but I do so I will not separate or move on my mating pair I will just have to find alternative solutions to controlling numbers.

Your milk bottle idea does seem like a really good idea and I am looking into doing that going forwards (first though I will need to find a way of moving on the babies) not many fish shops close to me will accept excess fish, even for free :( but once I find one the milk bottle will get used until then I will have to rely on the Angels doing what they do best.
I just counted my remaining fry and found at least 16 remaining fry—very possibly there are many more as they like to hide.
Most of the remaining fry are too small to bring to the LFS. I need to fatten them up and let them grow more.
I have been spawning plecos for over 20 years. I started with Bristlenose. I had long fins early on. Long story short, my final spawn was over 100 fry. I had lots of tanks then, but the cost in time and cash made it not worth it. I moved into the realm of pricey plecos which involved a good real more money and way fewer offspring in a spawn.

They are cave spawners and your's will likely not stop spawning. She can probably produce eggs every two weeks but he tends the eggs and wigglers until they have absorbed their youlk sack and go free swimming which takes 4 weeks or a tad longer. The older and bigger she gets, the more eggs she can produce.

The babies can eat most of the same foods as the adults as long as those foods are or will get get soft in water. The fry just take smaller bites. These are not bn:

These are
I gave the two spawning adults to the LFS. I cant deal with any more fry. They sold them recently as a mated pair.

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