Baby Blue Lobsters.

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Fish Crazy
May 14, 2008
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hi, im looking to get a baby blue lobster or maybe 2.
but will they be ok to go into my tank with.

2 angels.
4 corys.
1 RTS.
3 gouramis.
3 plecos (2 small.. 1 BN 1 CLown pleco)
and guppys?

I doubt it. They would probably kill the Corys, and maybe the Plecos.
hi i inherited a blue lobster, angel, gourami and a common pleco. the lobster n pleco used to fight like mad at feeding i had them in a 4ft long tank with two large reptile caves. in the end i found the lobster hollow floating and the pleco had a very full belly.....both grew huge by the way so make sure have the space!!
my blue lobster is a bit nippy... ustually if the fish is a top swimmer and fast you should be fine. i have 3 lobsters (not all in same tank)

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