Baby Blue Apple Snails ****pic Now Added****

no one else wanting blue apple snails i will do the same offer as last 10 x blues =£10 this includes recorded post
I'm surprised you haven't sold any more yet. They are really beautiful, all arrived healthy and they are doing well in my tank.
Hi, i would like 5 if your still sending them.
I am interested too, new to the hobby so a quick question as well. Fish stock is 1cm to 1L but what is the requirement for the snails?
nope they are £8 for 5 posted thats the lowest i can do or 10 for £10 on the deal can@t do £5... recorded post is £3.65 + 50p for plastic pot +50p for jiffy bay =£4.65 so i make 35p for 5 snails no thanks so the deal is as stated blue snails £1 each + £3.50 recoded post or 10 for £10 recorded post
right these blues in you lfs are £3 to £6 if your lucky to find any as most are yellow then on ebay they are £3.50 each but the very few are real blues most have a hint of yellow in them making them jades not blue ...i can trade these in for credit i just thought id give you guys a chance to own some very nice blues so no offers guys just the pries ive stated ...and thats cheap
Okay thanks for the reply, I will take 10 for £10 then! If you send me a pm with your email I can paypal you the money and I will email you my address!

Thanks again,


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