Attack Of The Nematodes


Fish Crazy
Apr 24, 2015
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Hey there fish friends,
Been a while since I've been here, but I've noticed some kind of nematodes in my planted 15 gallon. Some have gotten quite big, I assume they had been living in the gravel, but now they're making their presence very known. I often see them swimming around or on the glass. They swim by making a whipping like movement, and they are white with what looks like a blue-ish tone to them, about a quarter of an inch to half an inch long, possibly even longer. At the moment, I have no fish in there, but I know have a few pond snails and assassin snails.
I know some are harmless, but they're unwanted guests and I would like to get rid of them. I was thinking about picking up some ghost shrimp to make a snack out of them, I really don't want to have to use any products to treat the tank for them.
Any advice on what I should do?
I was going to introduce a few Scarlet Badis fish to the tank, but now that this happened, I want to take care of the nematodes first.
Found this,

Nematodes are the tiny, thread-like white worms that may also appear in a “dirty” tank. They swim in a wiggly, “s” pattern when disturbed. As stated repeatedly, if your overfeeding problem is fixed and the tank/gravel is cleaned frequently the numbers of these creatures will usually stay within manageable numbers. These worms are so small that they are ignored as prey by most fish, but if your community is kind enough, there are several micro-predators that will seek them out as food. These include Boraras (micro-rasboras) and the tiny yet beautiful Scarlet Badis (Dario dario).

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