Assassin Snails


Feb 27, 2012
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London, UK
Since buying some new plants I seem to have gained lots of small snails in both tanks. From reading this thread it would seem that assassin snails are the best solution.

Are the assassins likely to breed and give me the same problem again, and what is the best number of them to buy - are they OK by themselves?


I've been wondering about this exact same idea, myself. I've heard from some that their reproductive rate is much, much lower, but I can't assure this, by any means.
Probably the best addition to my tank. I bought five assassin snails and have never seen a plant snail since!! They also look great as they have distinctive yellow and black stripes. Mine tend to keep out the way but I will occasionally see one climbing up the glass or filter.
My LFS said if I did manage to breed any then he would buy them, as they aren't particulaly easy to breed apparently. I don't know how accurate that is, but I have two and it has stayed that way since day 1.
I bought 4 about 2 years ago. 2 died but the others have done well and I have lots of little ones! I quite like snails. I only bought the assassins to keep the numbers of mts sensible. I siphon out some at each water change and check the bucket for baby assassins before I empty it.

THey breed far slower than the pest snails you want to get rid of. I had four in a 3ft tank and they didn't breed at all. I'm down to one, and although I havent actually asked him, he's seems fine on his own!
Actually ended up buying two kribenses instead, male in one tank and female in the other so they may possibly be introduced in the future sometime! No signs of any snails and think the kribensis look great :)

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