Box Fishaholic Joined Apr 17, 2011 Messages 417 Reaction score 0 Location Kent May 16, 2012 #1 Hi Would Nannacara anomala x3 and Apistogramma Cacatuoides x3 live ok together in a 4ft 240 ltr? With other community fish
Hi Would Nannacara anomala x3 and Apistogramma Cacatuoides x3 live ok together in a 4ft 240 ltr? With other community fish
thereverendturtle I'm to old for this Joined Dec 11, 2011 Messages 2,329 Reaction score 0 Location GB May 16, 2012 #2 I see no problem with it. Plenty of space for each to spread out, just be sure there are lots of "things" for them to lay claim to.
I see no problem with it. Plenty of space for each to spread out, just be sure there are lots of "things" for them to lay claim to.
OP OP Box Fishaholic Joined Apr 17, 2011 Messages 417 Reaction score 0 Location Kent May 16, 2012 #3 Cheers will give it ago