Asking For A Friend


Fish Aficionado
Jan 13, 2010
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Right, a friend of mine keeps his goldfish very badly but swears it's the right way. None of them are big enough to sex yet he swears there's only one male that get's removed when he shows signs of breeding as he get's very rough. He also has them, a total of 8, in a 10 gallon temporarily as their 3ft cracked. There's 1 Black Comet, 1 White/Pearlscale Fancy, 1 Shubunkin, 4 Orange and White Comets, 2 Orange and White Fancies and 1 Chocolate Talking Catfish! I've told him about A. Talking Cat needs a Trop tank. B. Too many goldfish for that size tank. C. Not to mix Fancies and Standards. Will he listen? Nope.
Anyway, about an hour a go he went back upstairs and found his White/Pearlscale like this...



This has happened in literally about 30 mins. There's scales missing and obviously torn fins and blood streaks. Now, I asked about Nitrite - it's at 0ppm and if it was Nitrite poisoning it would affect more than one. It's not Septicemia as that's a long term disease. So, ideas? I'm stumped apart from it's been attacked...
The Chocolate Talking Cat is apparently 32 years old... So older than him.
I would say that is has been attacked by one of the other fish. 
How long will the fish be in the 10 gallon? 
By the looks of it it doesn't seem that the fish have very much swimming space and that would be stressing the fish out, the sooner they can go into a bigger tank the better.
I'm not completely sure of this but I think that even the 3ft tank would be too small. :/
Blondielovesfish said:
I would say that is has been attacked by one of the other fish. 
How long will the fish be in the 10 gallon? 
By the looks of it it doesn't seem that the fish have very much swimming space and that would be stressing the fish out, the sooner they can go into a bigger tank the better.
I'm not completely sure of this but I think that even the 3ft tank would be too small.
The 3ft is too small. I told him that. Along with the fact that he now has a 9" Chocolate Talking Catfish in a 10 gallon with these goldfish... I'm not sure how long they'll be in here, until he can get a new tank for them. And there's not doubt he'll get a new 3ft instead of bigger.
How do they all even fit in that 10 gallon at all is beyond me!  :blink:
I second the "attack" hypothesis, probably because they are crammed in there so tightly!  Nothing can be done until they are properly housed, and the best remedy is just really clean water (almost impossible to have with goldfish in a small tank).

If he's getting another tank anyway, he might as well go up to a 5 or 6 footer and do this properly.  Honestly, I wish fish got the same treatment from authorities as mammals get.  What he's doing is criminal.
No offense but he sounds like an idiot.
His tank probably looks like this:
Show him this:
That ^ is how big they can grow.
Here's a helpful link about goldfish though the tank size they recommend is too small and most websites say 10 gallons per fish though I would even go up to 12 if not bigger. He should be looking for a 80-100 gallon tank and he should try to rehome his Talking Catfish or get another tank for it.
For his Talking Catfish:
Hope he realizes his mistakes and becomes a better fishkeeper.
I know he is. He has trops and such too.
Any progress with this?
Sorry, only just got internet back. Nope. His fish healed but he's still planning to keep them in a 3ft tank and everything -_-
Paradise<3 said:
Sorry, only just got internet back. Nope. His fish healed but he's still planning to keep them in a 3ft tank and everything
Then I would wish him all the luck in the world and let him carry on.
One thing I would make it my duty to inform him of though is regular water changes... maybe this is one of the only things of any help to these fish.
Oh poor fish :(.  Good grief, I know from experience how impossible it is to keep just 2 goldfish in a 10 gallon (of course I upgraded them later)...not to mention 9 plus a catfish.  Oh, and how is the fish who originally started this topic?  Any improvement?
And the fish that started this topic has now died. It's tail and scales looked healed and then he found her dead. He does 25% every week.
I hate to say that I am not surprised at all, but I am not surprised.  At least now the poor thing's suffering is over.

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