Are They The Same?

Jan 6, 2013
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I have been doing some research on the bristlenose pleco. A lot of people in the fish community have recommended it as a algae eating fish.
Upon research I was confused as some websites and books referred to it as the bristlenose catfish, is this the same fish as the bristlenose pleco?
If they are the same fish then what is the correct name?
If they are different fish then what is the difference between the two?
All comments would be helpful!
catfish is the type of fish, like saying tetra, or barbs. pleco's is then narrowing it down from other types of catfish (to my understanding) then the bistlenose is the name like neon tetra, or tiger barbs
You will find they eat plenty of algae when they are young but no so much as they get fully grown. They do need a varied diet of frozen live foods and veg as well as flake and algae wafers - a lot of people think they can just survive on the algae in their tank.
Okay thank you for all of your help.
I was just confused as I'd heard that cat fishes didn't eat algae (maybe that was just the cory catfish?)
I will get other food for my pleco as well.
What other algae eating fish would eat algae all the time young or old?
Gilli you said vegetables so what type of vegetables would be suitable that I could feed the pleco with and maybe my other fish?
Thanks for all the help! :-D
Brocolli, courgette, sweet potato, carrot, spinich, cucumber (although it is not that nutricious) etc.
Are the above able to be fed to the other fish?
How would you put these in your tank? Would you maybe put a rubber band around the food and onto a rock so it would sink? Or would it be okay to let it float?
Pierce them with the handle end of a teaspoon, which you then use to weigh it down, or you can go high-tech and buy a screwcumber. ;)

Many fish will eat fruit and veg if offered, just ensure the piece you prepare opens up the good part for them. Some things are best given a quick blanching for a minute in hot water to soften them a little, but having never tried this, I cannot advise which ones need this doing. Be sure to remove any uneaten bits within 24-48 hours to avoid water quality problems.
The main thing my BN loves best is courgette - although he wont eat the skin so I peel it and weigh it down with an inexpensive special screw - like this one on ebay:-

Just drop a lump weighed down in raw - you will be amazed how much of it he will eat! Mine is also is partial to sweet potato which i peel and blanch for 2 minutes in hot water, blanched peas and sweet pepper (raw). Each plec has different tastes and he will soon let you know what he likes.

The other fish wont be able to eat them as they are too tough but yours will probably be like my lot and hover around waiting for little pieces to break off so they can gobble them up!!
. Occasionally I will crush a blanched pea and sprinkle that in for my other fish which they enjoy but make sure its small enough pieces as I had a greedy dannio once that got a bit stuck in his mouth!
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Okay thank you for all of your help.
I was just confused as I'd heard that cat fishes didn't eat algae (maybe that was just the cory catfish?)
I will get other food for my pleco as well.
What other algae eating fish would eat algae all the time young or old?
Gilli you said vegetables so what type of vegetables would be suitable that I could feed the pleco with and maybe my other fish?
Thanks for all the help! :-D

You are correct, cories don't eat algae, and the same can be said of many catfish. BN plecos are very good with algae. My tank has been spotless of algae since I got one about a year and a half ago. Prior to that I had to scrub the glass about once a month. Not so any more. I don't see him working the glass like he did when he was younger. He just hides under a bit of driftwood, but the algae hasn't returned, so I assume he gets around to it when I'm not watching. (And I do feed him algae wafers, plus he comes out and claims some shrimp pellets that I drop in for the cories, from time to time.)

BTW, BNs (as with many plecos) need access to some wood to aid in their digestion. Mine has claimed his piece of driftwood and just hangs out there most of the time.
I second the driftwood comment. BN's definitely need it. All of my BN's munch on it to the point where I almost need to add some new wood for them now.
Thank you for all of you comments you are all a big help!
I will look at that screwcumber but I'm not sure how available it will be in New Zealand!
I will definitely put some driftwood in when I get my tank (we're moving so it will be a bit longer than I thought it would be before I get the tank) java fern likes driftwood don't they?
People are saying that the BN get lazy as they are older what sort of age? I did some research on other algae eating fish like the BN and found the Otocinclus. Would this still eat all of the above comments food suggestions?
I will look into both fish further and go by your advice!
Thanks again
Otos need to be kept in groups and are generally much more sensitive. Personally, I have no complaints about my BN. Is he lazy or just efficient? My tank never has algae and he seems happy enough.

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