New Member
Hey guys.. So I have a 55 Gallon aquarium with 2 filters. An Aqueon 75 and a 30. I have 5 tiger barbs (fairly young) and 2 (older) albino tiger barbs, a rainbow shark, 3 mollies, 2 platies, 2 dwarf gouramies, 1 opaline gourami and 6 danios. I recently (4 days ago) introduced 3 colombian tetras to the tank.. However, now the opaline gourami stays in one place and one of the mollies has the tail split in two. One of the tetras has kind of a ragged dorsal fin. Can this be due to the stress of adding the new fish? or is it likely that they are being bullied by one of the other fish? I have been doing a lot of water changes (1 daily for a month now). the ammonia levels are at 0.10, nitrites at 0 and nitrates a little high between 40 and 80. Icant do much about the nitrates because the water from the tap comes with nitrate levels of around 25!!!! I have a lot of plants, though most are still small, in order to help control the nitrates.