Fish Fanatic
I bought these granules from the LCS, they told me these are good but i don't trust them. I just want to ask you guys. These granules are very small, only 0.75 mm so im not sure whether my fish will see them or not? Fish are Cardinal Tetras, Kuhli Loaches (these granules sink slowly so kuhlis can eat them), rummynose tetras, dwarf gouramis, guppies and a platty. Ive also attacted a picture of the ingredients and nutritional info. Are these ok? Ill buy some pellets or flakes in a few weeks for variety.
By ann12sunil at 2012-05-04
By ann12sunil at 2012-05-04
By ann12sunil at 2012-05-04
By ann12sunil at 2012-05-04
By ann12sunil at 2012-05-04
By ann12sunil at 2012-05-04