Are There Any Catfish That Match This Description?

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Fish Crazy
Feb 21, 2012
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I've been looking for bottom feeders for my 20 gallon that houses a peaceful male betta. I'm going to add some endlers, so it needs to:

-Take up 10 gallons or less.
-Live by itself.
-Be peaceful enough to resist fin nipping.
-Be comfortable with sparse planting.
-Not be a cory.

This is a bit specific, so I'm not expecting any real considerations. But if you can suggest something that'd be nice.
There are also one or two species of Akysis catfish that are occasionally available online. They look similar to bumblebee catfish, but only grow to about 1.5" or so. Not particular about the substrate, and are generally more active than any of the moth cats.
Reading this I am a bit concerned about my catfish. I have recently acquired a fully grown male betta. I have chucked him in with some amandae tetra, a few three line pencils and have just added five corydoras habrosus. Will they be OK with the betta? They all seem to be OK. No chasing at the moment.

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