Archerfish Question


New Member
Aug 15, 2004
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New York
I was wondering why my Archerfish is always mostly black on it's bottom? Archerfish are suppost to be mostly a gold color with black stripes but my Archer turns totally black some times (a lot). Is this from stress or some disease I wonder? I only have 1 in the tank and he's bigger than any other fish in it, yet he's scared of any fish that comes within about a foot of him, why? Even when I come to feed them he gets very nervous. There are only 3 other fish in the tank, 2 catfish and 1 Siamese Tiger Fish which are all small and smaller than the Archerfish. I think his color is probably from stress and I was wondering if I should get 1 or 2 more of them and maybe he won't be so stressed? My tank isn't that big, it's a 27 gallon tank so I don't want to many fish and I'm not sure if the Archer is a schooling fish. I'm also wondering if he needs a lot of plants/cover or more salt in the tank and if that would help. I don't have a testing kit so I don't know if the water is ok or not or how much salt I got in it and if thats the problem? Any help would be great!
it might be a diseaese, he sounds like hes a bit scared and a lil stressed, stress coat the tank, and add melafix, that should help a bit :D
Archers preffer to be kept in groups and are high end brackish fish which need water with a SG of around 1.010, i suggest reading this artical on how to set up and maintain a brackish aquarium

Could your siamese tiger be bullying the archer? Siamese tigers are territorial loners and will attack similar looking fish if kept in small tanks, they rarely cause any real damage but if your archer is being pushed around then it could be stressing it out.

Your tank isnt big enough for any of the fish you have (im presuming the catfish are columbian sharks?) so i wouldnt suggest adding any more fish, you will need to upgrade to a 75 gallon minimum to keep your current fish to adulthood, archers will reach around 8" to 10" , siamese tigers can top 12" and if they are shark cats they could reach nearly 2 feet.
how long have you had the archer? my exp is sometimes idepends where it was cought . if it came from salt water its more silver black is from a billabong then allways a lot darker as you have described . get a ph tester quickly and keep it 8-84 they hate any acidity ..if he is hideing sit bacc a bit and watch if 1 of the other fish isnt picking . they dont have to be bigger to pick . :D
Ok for one what is Melafix and where could I find it if that would help? I've had my Archerfish for only about 2 months now and even before I got the Siamese Tiger Fish he was very scared but back then I had a big Bala Shark and he might have gottin scared by him. Also now that I am looking at the tank more I DO see that the little Siamese Tiger Fish is chasing him sometimes (especially when I feed them) maybe because the Archerfish puts off so much fear every fish in the tank can see rate threw him. As for if it's brackish, I did add Aqu. salt to the tank but I don't know how much is in it if it's not enough or if my pH is too high or my water is to acidic or whatever. My catfish is a Pictus Catfish and from what I know they are peaceful. Also I was wondering if the Siamese Tiger Fish like blood worms or should I just feed them live fish? As for my tank I know it's not to big but big tanks cost a lot of money so I might not get a bigger one for a while (Christmas at the earliest). So for the tank I got now I'm wondering if there is anything I can do to calm down the Archerfish or anywhere he could hide from the other fish which is hard to do because he stays on the top all the time? Maybe add one more small Archerfish for the time being and just wait for the new tank? I would like to hear what you guys have to say. Thanks!
Fulgore2029 said:
Ok for one what is Melafix and where could I find it if that would help? I've had my Archerfish for only about 2 months now and even before I got the Siamese Tiger Fish he was very scared but back then I had a big Bala Shark and he might have gottin scared by him. Also now that I am looking at the tank more I DO see that the little Siamese Tiger Fish is chasing him sometimes (especially when I feed them) maybe because the Archerfish puts off so much fear every fish in the tank can see rate threw him. As for if it's brackish, I did add Aqu. salt to the tank but I don't know how much is in it if it's not enough or if my pH is too high or my water is to acidic or whatever. My catfish is a Pictus Catfish and from what I know they are peaceful. Also I was wondering if the Siamese Tiger Fish like blood worms or should I just feed them live fish? As for my tank I know it's not to big but big tanks cost a lot of money so I might not get a bigger one for a while (Christmas at the earliest). So for the tank I got now I'm wondering if there is anything I can do to calm down the Archerfish or anywhere he could hide from the other fish which is hard to do because he stays on the top all the time? Maybe add one more small Archerfish for the time being and just wait for the new tank? I would like to hear what you guys have to say. Thanks!
there is a mothod of breaking the habits of an agresive or territorial fish that has worked for me in the past is to devide asection of your tank and seperate the nasty 1 .leave him there 4 a weak and let him out ...if he picks put him away 4 longer .. i dont know the usual behavior of the fish you mentioned but a fair bit on archers . its basic and primitive but if you want to keep them together its worth a go :D
Ok thanks I might just try that. Any other advice about what I wrote before you be great :D
Fulgore2029 said:
Ok thanks I might just try that. Any other advice about what I wrote before you be great :D
not sure about the melafix. archerfish that i deal with adjust to verry little salt content ..i have a lot of basic hands on exp . your ph is verry important so ring and find out wot they are for each fish you have then find an average ... if you dont have any dead corals or porus rock neen your ph is likely low{acidic} you must know this to look after your fish it is the first on the list . if you can goad the oyher fish with food while you sneak more food to the archer . a small amount of bicarb will raise your ph also but mutch faster than the other stuff mentioned do any of your fish have a bit cloudy eyes {smokey} yhats a sure sighn of low ph ..low ph is acidic high ph is alcaline ...glad to help hope it does :D ps your archer is definately behaving like a typical picked on fish .

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