Fish Fanatic
I have recently set up my aquarium and am on day 4 of a full fishless cycle.
I have come home to notice this growing all over my mopani wood... It's like a see through slime ? Does anyone have any ideas, and what should be done about it?
Furthermore I did a lot of research prior to starting out but now have general questions regarding the hobby that i wasn't prepared for! if anyone could answer any of them it would be much appreciated!
#1 Aquarium fill level: My aquarium stated nowhere which level it should be filled to, in the end I ended up searching google for a picture of someone elses and copying the approximate fill level from that. But i can't help feeling like it's not full enough, should it be up to the white plastic?

#2 Lighting: I have very bright LED lighting, and currently have it on for 7 hours a day (the tank is lightly planted). the aquarium is in a dark alcove and when the lights aren't on, its very dark indeed. I was wondering if moonlight or a very dim light (backlight) is available that may brighten up the corner? although if this is going to upset the fish or cause rediculous algae growth i'll give it a miss.
#3 Condensation: The hood of my aquarium as a ridiculous amount of condensation, so much so that every time i open it water is going everywhere as it drips off the hood - it's in an alcove so my worry is behind it is going to get very wet! This may just be because I am running it at 28/29 degrees during the cycle.
#4 Maintenance: So far i've had two plants float up the surface and had to replant them, I'm finding this very hard as the tank is dark and i can't really tell what i'm doing because of the refraction of light (and if i have the LED's on i get blinded) any tips here from the veterans! also should i be working with gloves or are bare arms acceptable!
#5 CO2: I'm planning to plant the tank quite heavily over time and have bought a basic bioCO2 kit, I am cautious about starting it up yet as i'm during cycling and don't want to bother it up, again if anyone has any advice it would be much appreciated.
Thanks all for now, i'm sure ill have more in the future! I can't begin to explain how useful this forum to a complete newbie like myself!
I have recently set up my aquarium and am on day 4 of a full fishless cycle.
I have come home to notice this growing all over my mopani wood... It's like a see through slime ? Does anyone have any ideas, and what should be done about it?

Furthermore I did a lot of research prior to starting out but now have general questions regarding the hobby that i wasn't prepared for! if anyone could answer any of them it would be much appreciated!
#1 Aquarium fill level: My aquarium stated nowhere which level it should be filled to, in the end I ended up searching google for a picture of someone elses and copying the approximate fill level from that. But i can't help feeling like it's not full enough, should it be up to the white plastic?

#2 Lighting: I have very bright LED lighting, and currently have it on for 7 hours a day (the tank is lightly planted). the aquarium is in a dark alcove and when the lights aren't on, its very dark indeed. I was wondering if moonlight or a very dim light (backlight) is available that may brighten up the corner? although if this is going to upset the fish or cause rediculous algae growth i'll give it a miss.
#3 Condensation: The hood of my aquarium as a ridiculous amount of condensation, so much so that every time i open it water is going everywhere as it drips off the hood - it's in an alcove so my worry is behind it is going to get very wet! This may just be because I am running it at 28/29 degrees during the cycle.
#4 Maintenance: So far i've had two plants float up the surface and had to replant them, I'm finding this very hard as the tank is dark and i can't really tell what i'm doing because of the refraction of light (and if i have the LED's on i get blinded) any tips here from the veterans! also should i be working with gloves or are bare arms acceptable!
#5 CO2: I'm planning to plant the tank quite heavily over time and have bought a basic bioCO2 kit, I am cautious about starting it up yet as i'm during cycling and don't want to bother it up, again if anyone has any advice it would be much appreciated.
Thanks all for now, i'm sure ill have more in the future! I can't begin to explain how useful this forum to a complete newbie like myself!