I have had a Aquanano 30 tank, while it is a good little set up, the heater is placed directly underneath or by the side of the powerhead, this means there is constantly cooler water going by the heater, so theoretically it should maintain a better balance of water temperature.
However, I found that the heater which came wth the tank, a 25w nano heater, struggled to main the temperature continuously. So i opted to upgrade and bought a 50w nano heater, this worked far, far better and mainten tank temp nice and stable. And as a bonus of having a larger heater is the amount of energy needed to keep heater running is less so you actually save electricity.
But the point above about adding water that is roughly the same as the tank water is a good one, for a couple of reasons, heater does not have to work so hard to get the water temperature up but also helps prevent heat shock on the fish themselves.
I learned this the hard way, i accidently added water that was a little too warm, the fish did NOT like this, they curved and swam lethargically. A quick change of cooler water, fish much happier, ever since then i try to match water temp, at most maybe 2 or 3 degs cooler than tank water, not warmer.