Aquael Kit 100


New Member
Oct 17, 2012
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Hi All,

I was just wondering if anybody has heard of this kit before ?
My link

Looking at getting it before 2PM so it arrives tomorrow :)
But dont want to get it if its not any good.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
I bought the Aquael Econoline 80 Bow (102 litre) kit a couple of weeks ago, and although I'm sure it's very basic, I'm happy with its quality, value, looks and performance so far! Currently going through fishless cycle......
I bought the Aquael Econoline 80 Bow (102 litre) kit a couple of weeks ago, and although I'm sure it's very basic, I'm happy with its quality, value, looks and performance so far! Currently going through fishless cycle......

Thanks for the reply mate :)

What are you planning on putting in your 80 ?
It'll be a South American community aquarium. Once I've finished cycling the filter, I'll transfer 6 skirt tetras from my existing 20 litre, then over next few months add shoals of cardinal tetras and corys, and a cleaning crew of cherry shrimp. Assuming you're in UK, check out Warehouse Aquatics; I got my tank for 90 quid with upgraded filter, heater, light, etc. Delivery was within 3 days but heater was broken, 3 days later I had a replacement, excellent and responsive customer service. And the bow fronted tank looks great! My link
It'll be a South American community aquarium. Once I've finished cycling the filter, I'll transfer 6 skirt tetras from my existing 20 litre, then over next few months add shoals of cardinal tetras and corys, and a cleaning crew of cherry shrimp. Assuming you're in UK, check out Warehouse Aquatics; I got my tank for 90 quid with upgraded filter, heater, light, etc. Delivery was within 3 days but heater was broken, 3 days later I had a replacement, excellent and responsive customer service. And the bow fronted tank looks great! My link

Thanks will give them a look now :)
I can't answer about the 100 but I've got the 50.

I'm no expert but the quality seems good and the included filter and heater are both suitable for much larger tanks so it feels like they have avoided selling the bare minimum and put some thought into providing a half decent all in one setup. I understand the light isn't the best for planted tanks but my plants were growing fine with no lights at all before so can't say much about that.

Happy with mine!

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