Apistos And Cories.


Fish Fanatic
Apr 24, 2012
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I'm currently got 7 cories livig in a 20 gallon tank and I want to get a small harem of apistogramma macmasteri or boreli (as my water allows) and i was wondering if they would be fighting or if they would co-incide Peacefully?
I don't have any corries, but I do have a bristlenose pleco in my tank with a trio of apistogramma cacatuoides, and they don't even bother with him, except the when either of two females are spawning/laying eggs. And they only really go after him when he gets too close to wherever the eggs are, i.e.. bogwood, catappa leaves, clay pots, etc. After a few attempts, he gets the hint!
Sorry for the double post... laggy computer

No worries, it's gone now.

My experience of the combo is varied. Some are fine with cories, some are not. They've never not given me time to move them around though.
I have 6 albino cories with a breeding pair of apistogramma Agassizi and 11 baby fry. The cories are fine and know their place

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