Apistogramma Cacatuoide With Bolivian Ram?


Fish Herder
Apr 15, 2010
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Since losing one of my two Bolivian Rams, I thought about getting a male Apistogramma cacatuoide. My established (2 year old) tank is 26 gallons / 98 litres. Is that large enough to keep a male Ram and male Apisto, with hiding places?
Since losing one of my two Bolivian Rams, I thought about getting a male Apistogramma cacatuoide. My established (2 year old) tank is 26 gallons / 98 litres. Is that large enough to keep a male Ram and male Apisto, with hiding places?

Idk, I feel like two aggressive, territorial, hormonal male cichlids will go after each other, no matter the size of the tank. Perhaps you could wait for the bolivian to pass, and then get a cockatoo cichlid male/female pair
I was wondering. I read on some other random internet searches that they should be okay together, but my tank size might not help that. My thought was to get the apisto, and then when the ram passes (it is two years old), get a female apisto for the male. But maybe I should be nice to the old guy and not stress him out!
I have a 110 litre tank with a bolivian ram and two different types of Apistogrammas with no problems. In my main tank (250 litres) I have bolivians, german blues, Apistogrammas and keyholes with no problems. Even had a T-bar in there for 6 months with no hassles. I know lots of people do have problems with mixing these fish. Maybe because I have no breeding pairs??? or i've just been lucky. Just make sure you have a well planted tank with hiding places. You could always ask when you buy it if you could take it back if it does not get on with your other fish. Most shops are good like that
Thanks Yiddo! i am still thinking about it...
My tank is 24" wide x 11-15" deep (bow front).
No - I will go with smaller fish while the current Ram lives. I've been wanting to try Apistos, so can just wait. Cheers for the advice.
I had another thought. Do you think a kuhli loach would inhabit the lower space okay with my ram?
I had another thought. Do you think a kuhli loach would inhabit the lower space okay with my ram?

Kuhlis are schooling fish, and need to be in schools of 6+. They also need sand. But other than that, the ram shouldn't go after the kuhlis as long as there is adequate floor space and hidey holes

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