Api Leaf Zone


Fish Fanatic
Feb 11, 2014
Reaction score
Hi Guys,
I added API Leaf Zone to my tank to boost my ailing plants a bit, a day after I noticed my clown loaches were 'panting', tested the water immediately, found ammonia - first time in 3 years since I first cycled my tank. Nitrites are 0, and leaf zone only contains a little iron and K2O, potassium oxide. I thought I might have a bacteria bloom and hence an ammonia spike, but my tank is not cloudy and can potassium oxide even cause a bacteria bloom? Fish aren't showing any other signs of distress, i.e. no lethargy, change in color, loss of appetite, swimming at top/bottom except clown loaches and cory panting. Any ideas or advise?
Thanks a million,
Hmm, sounds puzzling.
First time had ammonia spike in 3 years since cycling the tank.
Have you added anything new to the tank?
Cleaned or replaced filter media recently?
Recent water change? checked tap water parameters ?
Only thing i can think of is do a water change but test the tap water first to be sure. And see what happens in a while.
Any other info you can think of might help pinpoint this.
Ch4rlie said:
Hmm, sounds puzzling.
First time had ammonia spike in 3 years since cycling the tank.
Have you added anything new to the tank?
Cleaned or replaced filter media recently?
Recent water change? checked tap water parameters ?
Only thing i can think of is do a water change but test the tap water first to be sure. And see what happens in a while.
Any other info you can think of might help pinpoint this.
I only moved a single plant from a different tank......a tank with 0 ammonia. After I saw the panting I did an immediate 30%-40% water change which didn't help at all and then stopped with the changes as they can make bacterial blooms worse it seems according to some Google results. I hope the fish don't mind the fast they are on, the ammonia has decreased from 2 ppm+ (monday) to less than 1 ppm today (Wednesday), so I will feed again on Friday. I also found 2 uneaten peas hiding in the tank from maybe 2 or 3 days earlier - can such a small amount of food cause an ammonia spike? If so, peas are off the menu (I did skin them!)

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