Anyone Have Any Frogbit?!

betta fish

Fish Herder
Oct 8, 2008
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Hi, as the title I am looking for 5 or so frogbit plants, if anyone would like to send me some I will gladly swap with Hygrophila angustifolia, Hornwort or Malaysian Trumpet snails or a mix of all 3, please let me know!
I want to get my hands on some too, I'll have to check out aquabid once I get some monies
Hey frothhelmet that sounds good
  what would you like to swap it with?
Folks- if you do not put your location in your profile, readers have no way to know where you are when you ask for plants or anything else. Most hobbyists can and do not ship internationally. This is even more important when asking for helps with diseases etc where different meds are availabale depending upon where one lives.
They all say united kingdom and united states?? none are left blank??
The avatars update for all of your posts Pingu, so if they've added since TTA commented they'd show next to the post.

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