Anyone From Newcastle?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 20, 2011
Reaction score
Newcastle-Upon-Tyne - UK
Me and the missus have a large Malawi Mbuna in a tank which we got as a kit... Fish came with it, all second hand. But we have been watching the fishies every day and this large pain in the #14### keeps trying to attack another large Cichlid we have in the tank, basically we were wondering if anyone from the North East wants to buy it?

Its about 5-6 inches long and about 2 inches high.


Further pictures can be taken if required, all he seems to attack is the one Cichlid and we have another 10 fish in the tank which consist of 4 Convicts, 2 Yellow labs, 2 kinds of other small Cichlids which are peach in colour plus 2 Albino Sucking Loaches but it never does anything to these although the 4 Convicts keep trying to chase one another as well as the peachy coloured fish, its quite amuzing watching them lot though...

If there is no replies then we are planning on taking it to the local pet store on Monday/Tuesday.
You will probably find that another fish will just take its place as the "hyperdominant".

I have one in my tank. Hes a right little tard. I wont remove him though - I know another will just take his place.

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