The difficulty with that sort of list is how to gather the data. People report that they've been fine with a wood (I use a fair amount of elder, which does break down faster than I'd like and leaches like a mad thing, but the fish like it and it looks good), however, there's always the risk that people have misidentified their wood or are using wood of a different age/condition or in different tank set ups with different livestock.
The general adage is that anything very fresh is a bad idea, as the sap will leak into the water and cause havoc (and be potentially toxic with some woods), anything ancient (note they rarely bother identifying bog wood, as it hardly matters much after that long under the bog) is fine. Otherwise hard woods will break down more slowly than soft, and rotting quickly can get unsightly (as the wood breaks down with bits falling off and if it encourages mold), as well as possibly increasing the oxygen demand in the tank.
Willow is another one I've used, with no problems, apart from, again, it breaking down quite quickly, but it did sit in the garden drying out for a year or two.
I've heard of people having problems with ash, and have loads of it, I might try a small amount at some point to see with some of my aged stuff as I've heard mixed opinions but none of my ash has been that pretty so far to be honest.