Any suggestions for male killifish bullied by females?


New Member
Jun 7, 2023
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Oxford ENG (GB)
Hi Folks - I am new to this website, but not to fishkeeping. I spent many years raising African rift lake cichlids. After some years away from fishkeeping I agreed with the family to try killifish, as they seemed like they would take up less space! I wanted to start with something easy, so I bought a trio (two females and a male) fundulopanchax gardneri. I was worried about the male bullying the females, so they were placed in a heavily planted 45 liter tank with a few small corys and kuhli's to clean up any uneaten food. To my surprise I do have a bullying problem, but it is the opposite - the females hang out together but chase the male, who has been hiding on the bottom of the tank behind a log for a couple of days. The females are so swollen with eggs they look like they will explode, but no breeding is going to take place while he is hiding in a corner. Anybody have any suggestions about what I can do to get him to regain his mojo? Or do I just need to get a different male?
I've kept gardneri for many years. Chance are they have identified him as a non breeder (too old, too weak, sick), and want nothing to do with him. Females choose.
Hello. If you have behavioral problems with the fish, then introducing more surface plants can help. Anacharis, Hornwort, Water Sprite and Water Lettuce are fast growing and will provide hiding places for bullied fish.

10 Tanks (Now 11)
Hello. If you have behavioral problems with the fish, then introducing more surface plants can help. Anacharis, Hornwort, Water Sprite and Water Lettuce are fast growing and will provide hiding places for bullied fish.

10 Tanks (Now 11)

Removing the fish is the only ethical solution, really.
Welcome to TFF... :hi:
I agree with what Gary has mentioned. Females tend to go for healthy males as the father of her offspring.

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