Hi everyone, I'm new here, but was hoping to get a little advice.
We got our first Fish tank about 8 weeks ago now, and have had a few problems with various things so I'm hoping posting here could either help me get rid of the problems or at least let me know they are normal! (This is the first time I've kept fish so I've more than ;likely made some schoolboy type errors - please dont tell me off!)
After cycling the filter for about a week we stocked it with about 15 fish (it's a 4' 140lt tank and the woman in the local aquarium shop said that would be fine) I've since been told we stocked too many too soon. Well, long story short, we lost a few fish and took a water sample in to be tested - the ammonia and nitrites were pretty bad - we were told to do partial water changes and add these funny bacteria ball things into the filter. Well we were messing about with all that for a while and it seems to have ALMOST settled now although the ammonia is still showing slightly. I'm doing 3x per week 30% water changes and only feeding 3x a week too - planning to continue the water change routine anyway. Any ideas on what i can do to get rid of the last little bit of ammonia?
We started developing a brown algae on the gravel about 2 weeks ago - and was then advised by our local shop to get a clown pleco to eat it. So I got a clown and he's spent the entire time hiding and not eating algae which now i've done some research seems to be normal for them, so I'm looking to find an algae eater that will do the job and not be majorly sensitive to little changes in water - we have some wood in there for the clown now (something the shop didnt tell us again) but dont have live plants if that makes any difference. I'll attach a pic of the algae growth as it stands today (i did wash all the gravel when we first noticed it and scrubbed it all off - it grew back within 2 days)
Also - we have an internal filter - to provide enough oxygen for the water how much of the top should have bubbles? (the filter box said we didnt need an air pump aswell?)
Apart from all this i just wanted to say how much I love my fishies, I neer had much of an interest in them until i started caring for my in-laws tank after my father-in-law passed away... now i love to just sit watching them swim around At the moment we have (and these are the names the shop gave us so forgive me if they are wrong) 3x Honey Gourami, 3x Lyretail Swordtails, 3x Peppered Corydoras, 5x Black Neon Tetra, 6x Red Parrot Platy, 1x Clown Pleco and 5x assorted baby guppies from the in-laws tank.
We got our first Fish tank about 8 weeks ago now, and have had a few problems with various things so I'm hoping posting here could either help me get rid of the problems or at least let me know they are normal! (This is the first time I've kept fish so I've more than ;likely made some schoolboy type errors - please dont tell me off!)
After cycling the filter for about a week we stocked it with about 15 fish (it's a 4' 140lt tank and the woman in the local aquarium shop said that would be fine) I've since been told we stocked too many too soon. Well, long story short, we lost a few fish and took a water sample in to be tested - the ammonia and nitrites were pretty bad - we were told to do partial water changes and add these funny bacteria ball things into the filter. Well we were messing about with all that for a while and it seems to have ALMOST settled now although the ammonia is still showing slightly. I'm doing 3x per week 30% water changes and only feeding 3x a week too - planning to continue the water change routine anyway. Any ideas on what i can do to get rid of the last little bit of ammonia?
We started developing a brown algae on the gravel about 2 weeks ago - and was then advised by our local shop to get a clown pleco to eat it. So I got a clown and he's spent the entire time hiding and not eating algae which now i've done some research seems to be normal for them, so I'm looking to find an algae eater that will do the job and not be majorly sensitive to little changes in water - we have some wood in there for the clown now (something the shop didnt tell us again) but dont have live plants if that makes any difference. I'll attach a pic of the algae growth as it stands today (i did wash all the gravel when we first noticed it and scrubbed it all off - it grew back within 2 days)
Also - we have an internal filter - to provide enough oxygen for the water how much of the top should have bubbles? (the filter box said we didnt need an air pump aswell?)
Apart from all this i just wanted to say how much I love my fishies, I neer had much of an interest in them until i started caring for my in-laws tank after my father-in-law passed away... now i love to just sit watching them swim around At the moment we have (and these are the names the shop gave us so forgive me if they are wrong) 3x Honey Gourami, 3x Lyretail Swordtails, 3x Peppered Corydoras, 5x Black Neon Tetra, 6x Red Parrot Platy, 1x Clown Pleco and 5x assorted baby guppies from the in-laws tank.