Any Betta Lovers In Cornwall

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Fish Herder
Apr 3, 2011
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My sister is selling her full setup plus Betta. I want it myself but I'm skint at the mo
I doubt she'll sell it at that price, they go for a lot cheaper on eBay.
In her description she says she's selling for £70 yet her starting price is £75?
I've sold quite a bit of stuff on eBay & found if you start the price off low you get more bids
why is she selling if its all only two weeks old, dosnt she like it? i would have considered it but it is a bit pricey
I have Betta tanks and she liked mine but she finds it too plain with only a male betta in a tank. She said she's open to offers on it so I'll leave it up to her.
HI this is the person who is selling the tank. I am not selling the neons as i will put them into my big tank that i have. I do love the tank and only had it for a few weeks but i dont have time for them both. It is up to me what i sell it for and if it does not go then im happy to keep it im not going to sell it for a silly price and waste alot of money i would rather keep it. So please dont comment stupid remarks. Everyone is alLowed to sell at what price they like. what does it matter to any of you if it does not sell?

Some of you go paying £30 odd pound just for one male betta when you can buy them in your local fish shop for £5 pound and thats ok. And thats not just veil tales you can get crowntails half moon in all diff colours. So kepp your opinions to yourself
Hi well i disagree there as i have bought females from betta boys and i have also ordered in from my local fish shop and they are the same quality so dont tell me i dont know when i clearly do.

All my sister asked for me was if anyone was interested there was no need for the funny comments we all have our own opions.
No one has given any funny comments.
We were asked if we were interested, & gave our reasons why we weren't
well i think you was being funny you dont live in cornwall and if ur not interested then dont comment
No I don't but I do travel around with my job! Still not interested way to over priced for me and this page is for chat about bettas you can't stop me commenting :rolleyes:
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