Ant bombing...


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Jan 18, 2002
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So like I have to bomb my house for ants. I have tried everything under the sun for the last 2 months to get rid of them. Anyone have any ideas on how to cover the tanks so the ant stuff doesn't get in them? Ideas would be a good thing here. Thanks gang. Rose
Figuring about 8-12 hrs maybe less if I'm lucky. :what:
Ugh!  Hate ants, least when they don't know enough to stay outside.   :eer:

Bug bombs and aquariums--not a good mix. :(   Even if you can seal off the tanks, I'm wondering how you can contain the air a line outside?  Lotta tubing.  Well, I hope someone comes thru for you.  Where's GL?  He's the DIY-er, right?  

Good luck, Rose.
The only thing I could really think off would be thick blankets. You know the right fluffy type. This would act like a filter from a mask. Would let air through but stop the bomb particles.

Other then take it would have to be sealing the tanks off with a sheet of polythine :)
GL is the DYI guy. I send him a PM last night before I went to bed. Rose
:) If you are doing individual rooms Rose.
Completely seal top of tank with polythene, taped at edges. A very small hole pierced so an air line is a tight fit and put the air pump in another room with a suitable length of tubing. I've used this method before when decorating.  :thumbs:  Mac.
they wanna do it this weekend. Not sure it'll happen though.
Have to try to kill them all at once...Threaten your neighbors, tell them if you are the only one to do it, they,(ants), will get worse in everyone elses place cause they are running from yours.. :laugh: :thumbs:
Can you have them spray the baseboards? At least the posion would be below the tank. Or would this be just as deadly?

What about using an oxygen tank? Is there any way to rigg that up to an air pump?

you could always sit with a million rubber bands. See an ant and take a shot. Time consuming but plenty of fun. The ants will soon get pissed of with this and leave for a more safer home. lol
Got time on your hands AdeyC? I'm sure Rose would be glad to see you :)
We'd both love that but I'm sure the world couldn't handle a reunion of "The Twins of Evil".
I've plenty of time on my hands just now. just wish I had some cash to go do things. lol

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