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Jan 15, 2012
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Would two endler/guppy Crosses be okay with....
Bolivian Rams
Giant Danios

Needing to move my two out of the tank they are in, and this is the only one open. The full grown Ram is the one I'm worried about. These little guys are around an inch. Snack?
Not sure but the general rule is if it can fit inside the other fish mouth it WILL be eaten.

Yeah, so I've heard. Just thinking the Ram probably wouldn't be able to catch them, and there should be plenty of hiding places for them...
They'd probably be super stressed with potential predators in their midst, even if they could evade the predator.
Rams are docile fish and the chances of them seeing the endler/guppy as prey are pretty slim. I have Bolivian rams and German blue rams with community fish, and that includes platys, guppies, swordtails, and even bettas. Never had an issue.
Rams are docile fish and the chances of them seeing the endler/guppy as prey are pretty slim. I have Bolivian rams and German blue rams with community fish, and that includes platys, guppies, swordtails, and even bettas. Never had an issue.

Yeah, I thought they were pretty docile. I actually have a betta I'd love to house in their temporarily too. He isn't aggressive at all, so would I also be safe with him? Just want to make sure before I do anything. I'm in the process of tearing down a tank, and need to put them somewhere until I get a new tank.

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