Right I'm a few days into my fishless cycling process with 3 ppm of ammonia being processed in 18 hours with small amount of nitrite being processed and waiting for nitrites to drop to zero. The tank is 60L with dimensions of 60x30x35 cm and will eventually be fairly heavily planted..

So now I am thinking of stocking, this stocking would be not be done for some time, until the filter has matured and just wondering if this would be over stocked...
8x Rummynose Tetras
5x Green Shrimp
Would there be any room for a centre piece fish like a bolivian ram or apistogrammas?
Thanks for any replies, Axy

So now I am thinking of stocking, this stocking would be not be done for some time, until the filter has matured and just wondering if this would be over stocked...
8x Rummynose Tetras
5x Green Shrimp
Would there be any room for a centre piece fish like a bolivian ram or apistogrammas?
Thanks for any replies, Axy