Another Stocking Attempt


Fish Crazy
Oct 20, 2012
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well i have come to the conclusion that my current stocking is failing so I'm trying to rethink it,i want to keep my rocio ocotal and jewel cichlid but what else could go in with them, i like the idea of going peaceful (realistically to my stocks) and i was thinking of a opaline gourami and some schooling fish my water is always very clean due to my w/c's and my stats are :

ph : 7
temp : 0 22
ammonia : 0
nitrates : 25 ppm

i have bog-wood and a few plastic plants and several caves if anybody could let me know if the opaline gourami would go with my cichlids and some other schooling (not shoaling please) fish and other singular species, i am going for realitvly peaceful fish but i want mad colors the brighter the better thanks

The gourami should be fine. As for schooling fish, giant danios, rainbow fish, and larger tetras like Congos.
No such thing as a peaceful fish ;) all can be little so and so's. it's just finding the right balance.
The gourami should be fine. As for schooling fish, giant danios, rainbow fish, and larger tetras like Congos.
thanks guys , hopefully i can geet rid of my vieja and bumble bee and get the gourami and some rainbows
I wouldn't put small dither fish with a Jewel. Jewels can get extrememely aggressive. I saw another thread on this forum with pictures of what a jewel did to a Vieja
I just noticed your current stock.I wouldn't put a gourami with a Dempsey and Definately not a jewel. It would be a certain Death sentence.
nope never got my neon just stuck with my regular but he is great, yes jewels have wicked temprements but only get really agressive to con specifics and other agressors, like my jewel is ripping the vieja and bumble apart when ever they get roudy the rocio is a little bit more peacful than the jd's though my main aim is to calm the jewel down and add more peacful fish, i thought gouramis are quite agressive anyway ?

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