Another Pink Tropical Fish Post...


New Member
Aug 16, 2012
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I'm trying to set up a planted community tank. It has a volume of 65ltrs. Anyone know of a pink fish?
There are pink glo-fish danios available that you could add a few of (preferably six or more since they are schooling fish) and your tank size seems big enough to accommodate them. The fish aren't injected with dyes, they are actually genetically modified so you don't need to worry about animal cruelty.
the first fish that comes to mind is the blind cave fish but your tank isto small for them as the are quite large and very active. your tank would be perfect for a pink male betta or a group of boraras maculatus which are kind of pink
Rosy barbs? You can get pink platies too, I have some!
There are pink glo-fish danios available that you could add a few of (preferably six or more since they are schooling fish) and your tank size seems big enough to accommodate them. The fish aren't injected with dyes, they are actually genetically modified so you don't need to worry about animal cruelty.

These are not legal to own in the UK.
There are pink glo-fish danios available that you could add a few of (preferably six or more since they are schooling fish) and your tank size seems big enough to accommodate them. The fish aren't injected with dyes, they are actually genetically modified so you don't need to worry about animal cruelty.

These are not legal to own in the UK.

Thank you all for your suggestions will research! as for the glo-fish anything GM goes against my ethics, thank you though coz thats the sort of pink I would love.

We really love Rosy Barbs! So does my stocking list look okay?:

7 neon tetras
1 male rosy barb
2 ghost or cherry shrimps
There are pink glo-fish danios available that you could add a few of (preferably six or more since they are schooling fish) and your tank size seems big enough to accommodate them. The fish aren't injected with dyes, they are actually genetically modified so you don't need to worry about animal cruelty.

These are not legal to own in the UK.

Thank you all for your suggestions will research! as for the glo-fish anything GM goes against my ethics, thank you though coz thats the sort of pink I would love.

We really love Rosy Barbs! So does my stocking list look okay?:

7 neon tetras
1 male rosy barb
2 ghost or cherry shrimps

Rosy Barbs are a shoaling species and require the company of at least another 5 members of the same species, but preferably more. They also grow to around 2 inches in length and are from faster flowing, cooler water streams. This means that they will require a tank of at least 3 foot in length and like to live at subtropical temperatures (under 24 degrees).

The only pink fish that I have seen recently have been Betta . That could work with a shoal of 8-10 Pygmy Corydoras and a shoal of 8-10 Celestial Pearl Danio which are a nice sparkling fish which would compliment the pink.
There are pink glo-fish danios available that you could add a few of (preferably six or more since they are schooling fish) and your tank size seems big enough to accommodate them. The fish aren't injected with dyes, they are actually genetically modified so you don't need to worry about animal cruelty.

These are not legal to own in the UK.

Thank you all for your suggestions will research! as for the glo-fish anything GM goes against my ethics, thank you though coz thats the sort of pink I would love.

We really love Rosy Barbs! So does my stocking list look okay?:

7 neon tetras
1 male rosy barb
2 ghost or cherry shrimps

Rosy Barbs are a shoaling species and require the company of at least another 5 members of the same species, but preferably more. They also grow to around 2 inches in length and are from faster flowing, cooler water streams. This means that they will require a tank of at least 3 foot in length and like to live at subtropical temperatures (under 24 degrees).

The only pink fish that I have seen recently have been Betta . That could work with a shoal of 8-10 Pygmy Corydoras and a shoal of 8-10 Celestial Pearl Danio which are a nice sparkling fish which would compliment the pink.

Thank you!I think I'll get tetras & a betta with the shrimp which was my original list but I head bettas are aggressive yet some ppl say they are good in community tanks!?
That is a tough one to answer as it all comes down to the Betta himself. It is generally said that Half Moon Betta are the best community Betta. I have had a couple in the past and they were fine with other species. The best way to do it is to add the other fish first, and the Betta last. This way he can not easily establish the whole tank as his own territory.

Finally, if you want to keep Shrimp with a Betta then look at the slightly larger species such as Amano as Red Cherries might start to vanish if he takes a liking for them.
pink kissing gourami not sure what requirments are, but if you have the aquarium am thinking of arg of TOWIE gave one to his GF with with 2 pink kissing fish in it. thats where i first saw them
pink kissing gourami not sure what requirments are, but if you have the aquarium am thinking of arg of TOWIE gave one to his GF with with 2 pink kissing fish in it. thats where i first saw them

These can grow to over 20cm and really need a 5 foot minimum tank long term.
Pink Platies! There aren't any good pictures that I can find on the internet, but I have some and they are perfect for a community tank!

Here's one of mine:


Then look 'pinker' in real life though... ;)
pink kissing gourami not sure what requirments are, but if you have the aquarium am thinking of arg of TOWIE gave one to his GF with with 2 pink kissing fish in it. thats where i first saw them

These can grow to over 20cm and really need a 5 foot minimum tank long term.
as I said never done any research on them and was not sure of requirments but nice to know

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