Another One Of Those Stocking Threads...


New Member
Mar 7, 2012
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So I'm here to ask what I should do to finish off my stock, I have:

1 albino ruby shark
1 male powder blue gourami
2 bronze corys (probably getting 4 more end of the month)
7 neon tetra
1 male lyretail swordtail
8 guppies 5 males (3 going to a friend this week) 3 female and 2 or maybe more fry, only found them tonight 2 minutes before lights out)

Tank is 30g, quite heavily planted, has got a 400lph filter on it and air stone.

Just wondering what people would suggest to finish it off or tell me if I would be fully stocked with the current set up
Sounds too small for the Ruby Shark, they need a 4-foot tank minimum, besides stunted growth the claustrophobia is more likely to bring out their territorial side (although they are generally less aggressive than Red Tail Black Sharks).

Sounds borderline for a Swordtail, who should reach ~12cm body and then have almost the same again trialing behind him. 3-foot minimum, ideally 4+.

Even if you rehomed the Swordtail, you already have a schooling group and a social livebearer with a singleton gourami in open water, I'd up the Bronze Corydoras to 10-12 (which will look better for you and more natural for them) and call this tank stocked.
Hmmm that sounds strange for my swordtails size, my friend has some in his 5ft and they are 6-7cm in the body and about 4-5 cm of tail, he's had them about 3 years now so I'd guess there fully grown. Mine has lived in my tank it's whole life, is about a year old and it's not really grown any bigger than the afore mentioned size. Do you think it's stunted ? I find it hard to believe since my friends aquarium is considerably longer than mine.

As far as my shark goes he's a puppy, maybe one of the most placid and docile fish I've got, never chases other fish and hides surprisingly little for a shark

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