Another Honey Gourami Question


Fish Addict
May 22, 2013
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Hello All,
After reading another thread about keeping honey gouramis I am questioning my decision to keep just one male in my community tank. I had decided not to get females because of the possible severe aggression from the male toward tankmates should there be eggs to protect.
Keeping a group of males, I had learned could cause problems because of territorial behaviour. So now I only have one male Gourami with a school of 14 Harlequin Rasboras and a school of 7 Kuhli Loaches. The tank is a 40 gallon long tank (48") you can see it in my signature. There also are 6 Pygmy Corydoras and 6 Otocinclus left over from the time where this tank had Tetras instead of Rasboras.
Now I am second-guessing my decision and wonder if my Gourami is needing more of his kind although he seems happy patrolling his 40 gallon territory. I also really enjoy how peaceful this tank is and am worried that this would change! What do you guys think?
I am in the process to re-home the pygmy cories and the ottos. Found someone I feel comfortable to give them to. So, I am seriously revisiting the idea of getting more gouramies, what are your experiences regarding aggression toward other males or aggression from a male towards tankmates if there are female gouramies in the tank with him?
I have one male to four females, they are in a 180 litre tank with neons, copper harlequins, glowlight tetras and corydoras to name a few.

The tank is heavily planted and it works really well IMO
Thank you for you answer, Shelster, that sound very encouraging! Maybe I'm lucky and come across a beauty such as yours in your signature! :)
Ooh she is yes, but so are the others too :D

Good luck, and let me know how you get on :D
Thanks, I'll post pictures then! :)
The Gourami we have right now is a bronze orange, kind of like the bronze colour of the rasboras. My daughter named him Dobby. That name will mean something to any Harry Potter fans, lol!
From my experience 2 males will likely fight, with the dominant one chasing the submissive one around the tank and generally stressing the whole "tank vibe."  Granted I tried to keep 2 males alone in a 20 gallon high but I'd suspect the same even if the tank were twice as large.  You'd be much better off with a few females to keep him company.
Thanks Ruskull, I decided to get him some females. If I can't find them here locally I am going to try an online order! :)
I guess 3 females should be OK to add to my tank!? 
You could easily fit 3 females no problem.
A little update: yesterday I netted the cories and ottos and they are now living in another fish-fanatics aquarium!
Surprisingly, I managed to get them quickly out of my tank after I'd removed the drift wood, decor and most of the plants. I put the fish in a large container with some plants and added a filter with cycled media, thinking they will easily be bagged from there.
But bagging them before their pick-up I had a bit of a scare! I was trying to use extra large freezer ziplock bags but it was difficult to balloon them up with air at the top and every time I set the bag down the little cories looked like they were being squashed in the corners, so I ended up having to put them into ziplock containers. I was told they arrived safely in their new home and the transfer into their new tank went well.
Now the search for the 3 female Honey Gouramies can begin! :)
WOOHOO! I visited one of the LFS here today. Tomorrow he is placing an order for honey gourami. If they have the yellow ones available he will order them. He did however have some blood red honey gouramies in the shop. So, Friday is the day, where hubby and I are going to see if he was able to get the yellow ones.
The other surprise I saw while there was they had 2 Sulawesi snails in a tank. I stupidly had left my wallet at home this morning so tomorrow, after work I am going back and get at least one of them and a Nerite Snail as well. I will try the Nerite snail in the Betta tank. Hopefully our feisty Betta girl is going to accept this addition. If not, well, the Nerite can then live in the 40 gallon too! :)
I am looking forward to the pics myself, I love getting new fish!

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